蓝牙耳机出口到日本需要做PSE认证吗? 日本认证分三种:1.PSE认证,针对普通产品,2.TELEC认证,Wifi 蓝牙 3.带通话功能的需要申请JATE认证 无线通信设备TELEC 认证需要提交的资料: (1) Technical Type Specification Form (2) Declaration of Quality Management System (3) Letter of Quality Control Confirmation Method or Manufacturer’s ISO 9001 Certificate (4) Letter of Construction Protection Confirmation (5) Rated Power Declaration (6) Antenna Report (7) Test Reports (including Test Results, Test Setup Photos and Examinations carried out) (8) (Block Diagram, Schematic Diagram, Bill of Material, Parts Placement, IC Data Sheets, Internal and External Photos,Product Description, User manual, Operational/Technical Description, Description of Pheripherals/Accessories) (9) Label Information(Label Location, Label content)If you act as agent or as authorized representative of the manufacturer: (10) Power of Attorney / Authorization Letter 说明:所有递交的文档建议为日文文档,英文文档也可被接受。测试报告可以用当地测试机构所用语言。 无线路由器做TELEC认证主要测哪些项目? WiFi和Bluetooth产品其的测试项目基本上与欧标的EN300 328类似.其中2.4GHz WiFi产品(802.11b/g,2412~2472 MHz)和Bluetooth产品使用的标准为MIC Notice No.88 Annex43,但是对于2.4GHz WiFi产品的14信道(Channel 14:2471 ~ 2497MHz)则需要单独使用Annex44进行测试和出具报告。 对于5GHz WiFi产品(802.11a,5180~5320MHz,W52 Band和W53 Band)遵循的测试标准为Annex45,但是需要注意的是,资料显示,MIC近期将会修改Annex45,将5.6GHz设备(Band W56)也归入Annex45,并且对Band 56频段有更加严格的DFS测试要求。 咨询热线: Carl yang/杨工 深圳立讯检测股份有限公司 (中国合格评定国家认可**认可实验室CNAS NO.L4595) Shenzhen LCS Compliance Testing Laboratory Ltd.(CNAS No.L4595) 深圳市宝安区宝安大道通达路星源科技园 深圳市光明新区公明街道办文阁路中裕绿色高新产业园B栋1-2楼B区 电话: 0755-29871520-3502 Q E-mail: carl.yang@