澳洲灯具防火测试报告|内置式筒灯IC-4防火测试报告哪里可以测试 LED灯具CA80|CA135|IC|IC-4防火等级测试 新西兰照明**CA80认证技术支持,提供LED灯CA80预测试服务。CA80是新西兰照明**针对LED照明灯具特别推出的一项产品标识认证。凡符合CA80或CA135要求的LED灯具产品,均可享受到新西兰的政府补贴。 LED筒灯CA80|CA135|IC|IC-4防火等级测试根据标准AS/NZS 60598.2.2:2001标准的附录标准。 澳大利亚与新西兰产品安全认证介绍: 杨工 Q 澳大利亚目前暂时还没有统一的安全认证标志,然而随着2013年3月1日起正式实施澳洲RCM标志后,澳洲将有统一的安全标志了。对消费者来说,只需要购买有RCM认证标志的产品,就表示产品符合安全认证和电磁兼容要求。或者说,RCM认证是SAA认证和C-TICK认证两者的统一。 LED灯具澳大利亚和新西兰IC防火测试报告申请流程: 1.填写我司申请表格 2.提供测试样机2个(不接受系列申请,只能单一型号申请) 3.测试完成后,我司会出具IC防火测试报告草稿件(草稿件由客人确认清楚) 4.确认OK后,我司会安排在IC防火测试报告电子档正式文件给客户 5.寄出正本文件 IC防火测试报告申请周期:5-7个工作日 澳洲防火认证IC-4,IC-F 新西兰,澳洲嵌入式灯具各等级标准要求如下: 1,NON IC:Not allowed to have any insulation within 100mm and cannot be installed in residential buildings 2,CA 135:Type CA 135, closed abutted, recessed luminaire where fixed, building insu-lating material that can safely be exposed continuously to temperatures up to 150°C must not cover but may closely abut the sides of the luminaire. The symbol shall be permanently marked on the back of the fitting, be clearly visible, at least 20 mm high and clearly legible. 3,CA 80:Type CA 80, closed abutted, recessed luminaire where fixed, building insulat-ing material that can safely be exposed continuously to temperatures up to 90°C must not cover but may closely abut the sides of the luminaire. The symbol shall be permanently marked on the back of the fitting, be clearly visible, at least 20 mm high and clearly legible. 4,IC:Type IC recessed luminaire where building insulation that can safely be ex-posed continuously to temperatures up to 90°C may abut and cover the lu-minaire. The symbol shall be permanently marked on the back of the fitting, be clearly visible, at least 20 mm high and clearly legible. 5,IC-F:Type IC-F recessed luminaire where building insulation that can safely be exposed continuously to 90°C may abut or cover the luminaire. The symbol shall be permanently marked on the back of the fitting, be clearly visible, at least 20 mm high and clearly legible. Resistant to ingress of external matter. 新西兰照明**CA80认证技术支持,提供LED灯CA80预测试服务。CA80是新西兰照明**针对LED照明灯具特别推出的一项产品标识认证。凡符合CA80或CA135要求的LED灯具产品,均可享受到新西兰的政府补贴。 LED筒灯CA80|CA135|IC|IC-F防火等级测试根据标准AS/NZS 60598.2.2:2001标准的附录标准。 LED筒灯澳大利亚和新西兰IC防火测试报告申请流程: 1.填写我司申请表格 2.提供测试样机2个(不接受系列申请,只能单一型号申请) 3.测试完成后,我司会出具IC防火测试报告草稿件(草稿件由客人确认清楚) 4.确认OK后,我司会安排在IC防火测试报告电子档正式文件给客户 5.寄出正本文件 IC防火测试报告申请周期:5-7个工作日 咨询热线: Carl yang/杨工 深圳立讯检测股份有限公司 (中国合格评定国家认可**认可实验室CNAS NO.L4595) Shenzhen LCS Compliance Testing Laboratory Ltd.(CNAS No.L4595) 深圳市宝安区宝安大道通达路星源科技园 深圳市光明新区公明街道办文阁路中裕绿色高新产业园B栋1-2楼B区 电话: 0755-29871520-3502 Q E-mail: carl.yang@